Student Drivers Ed

 Behind the Wheel Driving Protocol

  1. Bring your permit and meet at Com. Ed.  Students turn in cell phones to instructor for duration of drive.
  2. Instructors and students – answer these health screening questions prior to the driving lesson. Temperature check may be deemed necessary, also.  If your answer to any of the questions below is “yes”,cancel prior to your driving appointment time to avoid the penalty fee of $45.
    1. Have you been with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last 14 days?
    2. Have you experienced any flu or cold symptoms in the last 14 days such as fever, cough, sore throat, respiratory illness, difficulty breathing?

We will continue to monitor the state and CDC recommendations to provide a safe learning environment.  Cancel prior to your appointment to avoid the penalty fee of $45.

*Consists of 30 hours of classroom training and 6 hours of behind the wheel training
----After completing the classroom portion, at age 15 students take written exam to
             get their permit
----After receiving permit, contact Com Ed to set up 6 hours behind the wheel driving
             with instructor. Call 507-283-4724. NOTE: The majority of behind the wheel driving
             hours are offered during the summer. If instructors have time, there may be some
             after school hours or Saturday hours available during the school year.

*Open to Luverne School students who complete grade 8 this school year or older. (One week prior to start date, out of district students may enroll if there are openings.)

*Students must attend every class day, so check your calendars carefully. There are no exceptions. Missed hours must be made up at an additional $45/hour fee**subject to change.

*Appropriate behavior is required. Since the goal is responsible, mature drivers, unacceptable behavior will result in removal from the program with no refund of payment.

*Parents are encouraged to attend the supplemental parent class. Attendance by one parent at this class will reduce the required 50 hours of supervised driving down to 40 hours.

*Registrations accepted only with payment of $365 **subject to change.

*Dates for new classes will be announced after January 1 of the present school year and found in the Winter Community Education Brochure. This link to the Winter Com Ed brochure   Winter 2024 -- has details for the Student Driver Education 2024 classes. 

Summer 2024 Class Dates:
  June 17, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 & July 1 from 9:00 am - Noon.

*Blue Cards (written test) and White Cards (road test) are required at the exam station prior to taking your test.  Call the Com Ed office at 507-283-4724 at least 1 week in advance to request the card and give the appropriate information needed for the card. 

*A paper copy of driving log will need to be presented at the time a student takes the road test. Be sure to make a copy of the log, in case the child needs to retake the behind the wheel exam. You will need to present it again. Those students who do not have a parent certificate of attendance at a supplemental class will need to do the 50 hours of supervised driving. With a parent certificate, 40 hours are required. Click here for the form.

*Call 507-283-4724 with questions.

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